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Balance Business and Babies

Balance Business and Babies

How to Balance Business and Babies

Finding balance is one of the most difficult things to achieve in life! That’s never been truer than with finding a balance between business and babies. After all, you’re so busy that weeks can go by before it dawns on you that you’ve neglected your accounts, or your baby’s play dates. But it is possible to find balance when you have the right strategies and tools to give you direction.

Let’s take a look so you can start implementing them:

Keep channels of communication open

Talking more about your life and your priorities with teachers, clients, friends and of course, your partner can make it easier to balance your commitments. As people start to understand how busy you are, they will be more understanding when you can’t commit to doing every little thing they want to include you in. This will reduce the feelings of pressure you feel from others’ expectations immensely. After all, it can be hard to say no to those you care about!

Accept that you aren’t Superwoman

So, now that you have other people’s expectations at a more manageable level, it’s time to look at your own. Like many women before you, it’s easy to fall into the trap of feeling like you have to be everything to everyone. But accepting that you aren’t perfect will help you feel prouder of what you do achieve, rather than feeling guilt over what you don’t. After all, how important is it really to have a spotless home and bake the perfect cupcakes, when you have a happy and healthy baby and a healthy business?

Do family time

It’s an excellent idea to schedule some time each week where business tasks don’t creep into your home life. Unplug, step away from the emails and enjoy time as a family, just being you. Not only does it give you some much-needed relief from the demands of business, but it allows you to have some important connectedness with your family.


Balance Business and Babies

Delegate Delegate Delegate

Look for those tasks that are time-consuming and could be done by someone else at great benefit to you. If you’re drowning in laundry and trying to make a deadline, doesn’t it make sense to hire someone to take care of your laundry and keep your clients happy? And what about your accounts? If you continue to let them slide, they’ll be that much harder to unravel and get up to date with. Hiring an accountant keeps an enormous part of your business on track, and it’s one less thing to worry about. Once you’ve learned to let go a little, delegation can really free up your time and reduce your stress levels vastly.

Create a running to-do list

If you have trouble finding decent stretches of time to complete tasks between baby naps, try breaking your tasks into smaller pieces. You’ll be impressed at how much more you can achieve and how productive you feel when you start checking those things off, one by one.

Schedule priority tasks

Client calls and actions that require the most concentration should be reserved for nap time when you’re less likely to be interrupted or distracted. Make sure you get organised in advance, so you know exactly what to get done in that time.

So, be sure to take some time out to go through each of these ways to balance business and babies and see how you can apply them to your life. You’ll find that planning is key, and whether you decide to dive straight in and hire an accountant, or start by breaking your day down into a series of mini-tasks, finding the balance you crave is possible!

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