See the different styles of entrepreneurs
Are all entrepreneurs the same? Nope! In this article, we take a look at the different styles of entrepreneurs.
Just like there isn’t one way to skin a cat, there are different styles of entrepreneurs – just like there are different styles of cricketers or rugby players.
We can’t all be the same. The world would be a pretty boring place if we were, and we wouldn’t all be playing to our strengths. Just like some entrepreneurs are driven by hunger and determination, others have genuinely mercurial talents.
Do you know what style you are, or want to be? If you’re not so sure, let’s take a look at the different flairs of entrepreneurs.
The Modeller
In his book Ultimate Power, Tony Robbins talks a lot about the importance of modelling ourselves on someone else who has already been a success in the field we want to enter. This makes a lot of sense when you think about it.
When you aren’t sure of what to do, what easier way to learn than to copy what others before you have done, that’s worked?
For this reason, Tony recommends that we read autobiographies of the people we admire. Some entrepreneurs take this idea so much to heart that they model everything they do on what’s already been done before. They copy someone else’s website, their business cards, and even the way they present themselves online.
As Picasso once said, “good artists copy – great ones steal.”
There is nothing wrong with copying per-say. But copying only gets you so far. It’s impossible to overtake someone who has already been a success by doing the exact same thing. Eventually, you have to get your own identity.
The Sceptic
This is actually an alarming style, and you would do well to avoid it. In a nutshell, The Sceptic is sceptical of any entrepreneurs’ back story to success.
“Oh I became successful because I worked hard.”
The Sceptic thinks fate played a role. They don’t believe in the whole rags-to-riches story, but firmly believe that entitlement plays a massive role. As such, The Sceptic finds it really hard to find success of their own. They’re too busy questioning all that they’re told.
In 2017, The Sceptic is also known as The Hater. These guys and girls don’t believe that success comes to those who read more or do more. They also don’t believe in the old adage “Take Action.”
The Learner
The many different styles of entrepreneur are interesting to read about, but perhaps the most interesting one is The Learner. The Learner is the antithesis of The Sceptic/Hater. They believe that key to the success of any entrepreneur is knowledge.
Like Warren Buffet said, “the more you learn, the more you earn.
The Learner likes to cover all bases, and work out all possible scenarios so that they go into business with as few risks as possible.
A minor criticism of The Learner would be that sometimes, they get so caught up in reading and learning that they fail to take action.
Is the constant research just an excuse not to get started? Does this sound like you?
The Worker
Out of all the different styles of entrepreneurs, the one you’ll meet the most is The Worker.
These guys exist everywhere, and you’ll spot them a mile off. They’ll tell you they’re big fans of Gary Vaynerchuck, that they love the hustle and grind, and that they once worked 365 days non-stop. Without sleep.
Workers will probably also tell you that they have no real talent – they just outwork everyone else. And hey, they may not even have made it yet. But through sheer hard work and determination, they sure as heck will make it one day.
Do any of these different styles of entrepreneurs ring true to you? It’s okay if you’re one and not the other. However, to be an accomplished entrepreneur it’s important to be a mish-mash of all four. You can even be a sceptic too, when the time is right.
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